
Karen Bamford

Professor; Honours Co-ordinator
Hart Hall 306


Publications: (selected)

  a. Book:

     Sexual Violence on the Jacobean Stage. New York: St. Martin's Press; London: MacMillan, 2000.

  b. Edited works: 

     Shakespeare's Comedies of Love:Essays in Honour of Alexander Leggatt. Ed. Karen Bamford and Ric Knowles. Introduction by Karen Bamford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.

     Oral Traditions and Gender in English Literary Texts, 1500-1700. Ed. Mary Ellen Lamb and Karen Bamford. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Press, 2008.

      Approaches to Teaching English Renaissance Drama. Ed. Karen Bamford and Alexander Leggatt. Approaches to Teaching World Literature Series. General editor, Joseph Gibaldi. New York: Modern Language
      Association, 2002.

 c. Chapters:
       "Rape and Redemption in The Spanish Gypsy.Shakespeare, Women and Violence: Essays in Honour of Paul Jorgenson. Ed. Sharon Beehler and Linda Woodbridge. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies.
        Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2003. 29-49.

       "The Imperial Theme: The Shakespeare Society of Toronto, 1928-1969." Shakespeare in Canada: 'A World Elsewhere?'. Ed. Diana Brydon and Irena R. Makaryk. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 66-91.          

       "Sexual Violence in The Queen of Corinth.Other Voices, Other Views:New Dimensions in English Renaissance Studies. Ed. Helen Ostovich, Graham Roebuck and Mary Silcox. Newark, DE: University of
        Delaware Press, 1999.234-52.

  d. Articles:     
        "Romance, Recognition and Revenge in Marie Clements's The Unnatural and Accidental Women." Theatre Research in Canada 31.2 (2010): 143-63.
        "Foreign Affairs: The Search for the Lost Husband in Shakespeare's All's Well that Ends Well." Early Theatre 8.2 (2005): 57-72.     

        "'What's the story here?': Narrative, Voice and Gender in Sara Barker's Penelope, the Imposter.Essays in Theatre 18.1 (1999): 53-62.

        "Imogen's Wounded Chastity." Essays in Theatre 12.1 (1993): 51-61.


B.A. Queen's University

M.A. University of Toronto

Ph.D. University of Toronto 


English 1201: Introduction to Principles of Literary Analysis

English 2211: Introduction to Shakespeare

English 3211: Advanced Studies in Shakespeare

English 3311: English Drama to 1642

English 3351: Literature of the Early Seventeenth Century

English 3361: Literature and the English Revolution

English 3351: Modern Drama

English 3361: Contemporary Drama

English 4251: Chekhov and Company


Shakespeare; Renaissance drama; contemporary drams; gender; maternity; folk narrative; ecocriticism.

Grants, awards & honours

Charles and Joseph Allison Chair of English Languages and Literatures, 2006-2011

J.E.A. Crake Teaching Award, 2004

Paul Paré Award for excellence in research and teaching, 2001, 2004

Clifford Leech Prize for doctoral thesis (University of Toronto), 1993